Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Kevin From Real World 1: Where Is He Now?

Remember the aggressive African-American journalist from the first season of the Real World? You know, the guy that often wore denim overalls underneath nice blazers. The guy that sparked verbal race wars with 19-year old Julie from Alabama. His name is Kevin Powell and he may be the most successful Real World alumnus (sorry, doing Gauntlet/Inferno challenges doesn't qualify you as famous).

See the clip below (especially around the 7-10 minute mark for the final blowout) ASIDE: notice 1) how weak the apartment/loft is compared to the mansions that current Real Worlders live in, 2) sometimes you can see the other cameramen/equipment, 3) this cast had jobs, and 4) there was no confessional room -- they just set up a camera outside so a cast member could say "And then etc. etc. etc. happened..."

After watching the video and refreshing your memory, click on the link below the video to see what Kevin Powell is doing today.


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