Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Drew Carey Was the Right Choice -- No Pun Intended

How do you replace a legend like Bob Barker? I assumed The Price is Right would be canceled the day Bob Barker retired. But then what would senior citizens and kids on summer vacation watch at 11 AM? SportsCenter for the third time? The View? Let's hope not.

So, once the decision was made to continue the program, the difficult selection process began. Do you hire someone with game show experience? An actor? Someone similar to Bob Barker or someone completely different? I heard rumors about George Hamilton (actor with the same tan as Bob), John O'Hurley (J. Peterman on Seinfeld, also has hosting experience from the Family Feud), and Rosie O'Donnell. Those options did not do anything for me (especially Rosie). Drew Carey was an intriguing possibility because he was a moderately well-known actor/comedian. Who knew he was even interested in the job?

Yet even when Drew Carey was selected, I doubted that he or anyone could live up to the standard set by Bob Barker. I still believe that is true, but I have been impressed with Carey so far. I have only seen about 10 episodes since Drew took over in October (having a job sucks), but you can tell he is having fun with it. He is energetic, funny, and most importantly, nothing like Bob Barker. He is doing it his own way, rather than trying to emulate Barker.

Future senior citizens and future elementary school-aged couch potatoes will never know Bob Barker -- but they can still enjoy The Price is Right (and multiple AARP and life insurance commercials) every weekday at 11 AM.

1 comment:

Randall "Webb" Charpia said...

First time reading the blog man. I must say that I am impressed.